Sound Meditations
Let your body and mind flow together in an ocean of sound.

Nada Yoga, or the Yoga of Sound, is an exploration of consciousness through sound and tone. You may hear us refer to this practice of deep listening and receptivity as a "Sound Bath" or "Sound Journey."
Union (yoga) through sound is based on the premise that the entire cosmos and everything in it (including humans) consists of sound vibrations, or nadas. When we hear a certain frequency, the wavelength of that frequency moves through the air and resonates through our bodies, causing our cells and tissues to vibrate in unison with that tone. For that reason, we are soothed by the sounds of gongs and singing bowls, as the smooth, consistent frequencies they produce inspire that effect in ourselves. Nada Yoga is described in ancient yoga texts as one of the most powerful meditation techniques to calm the mind and listen with the ear of your heart to the inner sound of Om.

We have blended together two of our most loved practices, Mantra and Sacred Sound, to create powerful meditation experiences.
The recitation of mantras lies at the heart of a yoga practice and has deep roots in yoga tradition. This unique Black Cat Yoga signature experience begins with a group mantra practice, using our voices to create powerful vibrations within the body and mind; and then reclining and relaxing into an effortless harmonic sound bath experience: the yoga of deep listening. Finding stillness and receiving varying frequencies, overtones, and vibrations from quartz crystal bowls, metal Himalayan bowls, gongs, chimes, body harp, Native American flutes, vocals, drums, and more.
There is a container that is created when a group of people engage in these spiritual practices of mantra and deep listening together. Silent vows are made by everyone in this “container” to be open and to honor the energy in the space for everyone. In this way, the individual experience becomes a collective journey of supporting, upliftment, and unification for all.
Due to neuroplasticity, we now know that our brains can be re-wired. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to modify, change, and adapt both structure and function throughout life and in response to experience.
By using non-rhythmic vibrational sounds to interrupt the mind's constant stream of disorganized thoughts, the brain naturally slips from higher states of awareness (Gamma and Beta) into more passive detached states (Alpha and Theta).
Gamma - Heightened perception
Beta - Normal alert consciousness
Alpha -Physically and mentally relaxed
Theta - Deep meditation
Delta - Deep, dreamless sleep
These slower alpha and theta brainwave patterns are known to increase relaxation, boost creativity, heighten insight, and foster deep meditation.

We have been told that our sacred sound experiences are like taking an ethereal journey to cultures, countries, and magical places all around the world.
~ Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls
~ Hand Heart Crystal Singing Bowl
~ Metal Singing Bowls from Kathmandu, Nepal
~ Meditation Gongs
~ Bamboo Chimes from France
~ Ocean Drum
~ Buffalo Drum
~ Native American Flutes
~ Japanese Rin Gong
~ Body Harp
~ Harmonium from India
...and so much more!
There is no movement required as this is a stillness meditation, and the entirety of the experience is either lying down or seated in a comfortable position. Often large plush bolsters and blankets are used to support and nurture the body in such a way that you are able to more deeply relax. These events usually last anywhere from one hour to 90 minutes, so comfort is key. Lisa and Kevin have been guiding sound events across Central and Northeast Florida for many years and are passionate about sharing the profound benefits of sound with you. If you are interested in booking the studio for a private sound meditation for your group, e-mail us at blackcatyogajax@gmail.com for more information.

Recharge and purify your body, mind, and spirit with the subtle undercurrents of the Full Moon’s energy…and the organic, deep, and timeless vibrations of the gongs during our monthly 30-minute Full Moon Gong Meditations.
Gongs are among the oldest and most powerful sound healing instruments. They are often used for ritual, ceremony, prayer, and meditation in many cultures. Their resonance fills a space with the sounds of every harmonic and overtone. As the returning waves of sound build upon one another, the sound of the gong becomes so complex that the mind has no way to categorize it. The sound may resemble a variety of instruments being played at once. Due to the way these complex tones are synthesized within the ear, everyone has a unique and personal experience with the gong.
Check our event schedule for our next Full Moon offering.


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60 Minutes
(1 to 15 people)
Make your purchase online
and call to book your session.
Are you looking for a unique way to celebrate a special event with your partner, friends, co-workers, or family? Or perhaps you are recovering from illness or moving through some significant emotional challenges in your life and just need to relax? Allow us to customize a unique and healing sound journey for you and gift yourself an extraordinary and memorable experience. Experience what it feels like to not only hear sound through the ears, but to receive sound on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
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30 Minutes
(1 to 15 people)
Make your purchase online
and call to book your session.
Recharge and purify your body, mind, and spirit with the organic, deep, and timeless vibrations of multiple gongs during your own private 30-minute Gong Bath Meditation.
The Gong is a sacred and ancient instrument of healing, rejuvenation and transformation. Its resonant tone has been used for ritual, ceremony, prayer, and meditation and works deeply on the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. When it vibrates, one can sense reverberations within all the cells of the body. It produces long rolling waves of sustained tones that create an all-enveloping sound field called a “sound envelope” that is completely filled with resonance.

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75 Minutes
(1 to 15 people)
Make your purchase online
and call to book your session.
Enjoy a private 75-minute fusion of these two deeply relaxing modalities:
SOUND HEALING: More than just an experience of simply listening to beautiful sounds; a multifaceted sensory journey of healing harmonics designed to induce deep relaxation by flooding the body and mind with layers upon layers of soothing vibrations and sound.
YOGA NIDRA: A full-body guided meditation which prompts the body to relax deeply while the mind remains inwardly alert in that magical time just before you fall asleep when the body rests while the mind is still lucid. Yoga Nidra is among the deepest possible states of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness.
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Visoka va jyotishmati
Tranquility may also be attained by fixing the mind on the Inner Divine Light,
which is beyond pain, suffering and sorrow.